Jasmine Tea Extract

We are manufacturer, supplier, exporter of best quality Jasmine Tea Extract, factory in Taiwan. Our company-depth study of the product improvements, planning, introduction of new technologies, and emphasized that "priority service", "to protect the customer", "24-hour" for the purpose of career. Through our innovative engineering and mature experience, we have the ability to meet strict requirements, short delivery time, quality, and price competition is fierce. To be beneficial to both sides, we are the best choice for a partner to support you.
We would like to be your most trusted

Jasmine Tea Extract

manufacturers, suppliers and exporters. Welcome to visit our factory, our products are very interested in, please contact us. Excellent product quality and worth the price of the reference. We Looking forward to receive your inquiry. pls kindly contact for further details.
  • Jasmine Tea Extract - Jasmine Tea Flavor
Jasmine Tea Extract
Model - Jasmine Tea Flavor
Jasmine Tea Extract

This product has unique Jasmine green tea aroma and  pleasant taste.
It is very convenient to use this product. You can save much time because it is ready to use, and don’t need take long time to extract from tea leaves.
It can be widely used with various beverages, desserts, ice products, and bakery products which will make the product with strong coffee and taste.
Jasmine Tea Flavor
999999999 http://schema.org/InStock USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
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Products List
To find and shop the Jasmine Tea Extract, you need to know about the highest quality of Jasmine Tea Extract manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, OEM and ODM from a factory in Taiwan
Barley Flavor
999999999 http://schema.org/InStock USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Barley Extract This product has the unique aroma and rich taste of barley tea. It is very convenient to use this product. You can save much time because it is ready to use, and don’t need take long time to extract barley.  It can be widely used with various beverages, desserts, ice products, and bakery products which will make the product with rich barley flavor and taste.  
To find and shop the Jasmine Tea Extract, you need to know about the highest quality of Jasmine Tea Extract manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, OEM and ODM from a factory in Taiwan
Coffee Flavor
999999999 http://schema.org/InStock USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Coffee Extract This product has a rich coffee aroma and a pleasant sour and sweet taste. It is very convenient to use this product. You can save much time because it is ready to use, and don’t need take long time to extract coffee.  It can be widely used with various beverages, desserts, ice products, and bakery products which will make the product with strong coffee and taste.  
To find and shop the Jasmine Tea Extract, you need to know about the highest quality of Jasmine Tea Extract manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, OEM and ODM from a factory in Taiwan
Chinse Herb Flavor
999999999 http://schema.org/InStock USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Chinese Herb Extract This product has the unique aroma and rich taste of traditional herbal tea. It is very convenient to use this product. You can save much time because it is ready to use, and don’t need take long time to boil herb.  It can be widely used with various beverages, desserts, ice products, and bakery products which will make the product with strong Chinese herb flavor and taste.  
To find and shop the Jasmine Tea Extract, you need to know about the highest quality of Jasmine Tea Extract manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, OEM and ODM from a factory in Taiwan
Black Tea Flavor
999999999 http://schema.org/InStock USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Black Tea Extract This product has unique black tea aroma and  pleasant taste. It is very convenient to use this product. You can save much time because it is ready to use, and don’t need take long time to extract from tea leaves.  It can be widely used with various beverages, desserts, ice products, and bakery products which will make the product with strong coffee and taste.  
To find and shop the Jasmine Tea Extract, you need to know about the highest quality of Jasmine Tea Extract manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, OEM and ODM from a factory in Taiwan
Oolong Tea Flavor
999999999 http://schema.org/InStock USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
oolong Tea Extract This product has unique Oolong tea aroma and  pleasant taste. It is very convenient to use this product. You can save much time because it is ready to use, and don’t need take long time to extract from tea leaves. It can be widely used with various beverages, desserts, ice products, and bakery products which will make the product with strong coffee and taste.  
To find and shop the Jasmine Tea Extract, you need to know about the highest quality of Jasmine Tea Extract manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, OEM and ODM from a factory in Taiwan
Green Tea Flavor
999999999 http://schema.org/InStock USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Green Tea Extract This product has a rich green tea aroma and pleasant taste. It is very convenient to use this product. You can save much time because it is ready to use, and don’t need take long time to extract from tea leaves.  It can be widely used with various beverages, desserts, ice products, and bakery products which will make the product with strong coffee and taste.  
To find and shop the Jasmine Tea Extract, you need to know about the highest quality of Jasmine Tea Extract manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, OEM and ODM from a factory in Taiwan
Oat meal Flavor
999999999 http://schema.org/InStock USD 2020-12-31
90out of 100based on 100user ratings
Oat Meal Extract Oat is rich in beta glucan, dietary fiber and a variety of essential nutrients, so it has been regarded as the first choice for high-quality healthy grains. This product is strictly selected oats through a unique processing method to process oats into fine and delicious oatmeal paste It completely retains the nutrient essence and aroma of oats. It tastes smooth, rich and full. This product can be added with variety ingredients according to personal preference to make it a delicious and full oat drink, which is convenient and free of burden.